IR-2008-119, Oct. 17, 2008
WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service’s next Tax Talk Today Web cast on Tuesday, Nov. 4, at 2 p.m. focuses on “Preparing for the New Form 990.”
The IRS has redesigned Form 990 to reflect significant changes that have taken place in the tax law and the tax-exempt sector. Organizations and their preparers will want to tune in to learn about the new form and instructions so that they fully understand how the changes affect the filing process.
The new form will be filed in 2009 for the 2008 tax year. Organizations may also want to reassess if their internal systems need to be updated to reflect the new reporting requirements. The IRS has a special Web page on the Form 990 redesign and background documents.
Moderated by Les Witmer, panelists for November’s program are: Eve Rose Borenstein, Exempt Organizations Tax Attorney, Borenstein and McVeigh Law Offices (BAM!); Stephen Clarke, Tax Law Specialist, Rulings and Agreements, Exempt Organizations, Internal Revenue Service; Julie L. Floch, CPA, Eisner Director of Not-For-Profit Services; and Ronald J. Schultz, Senior Technical Advisor to the Commissioner, Tax Exempt and Government Entities Division, Internal Revenue Service.
Tax Talk Today is a Web cast aimed at educating tax and payroll professionals on the most current and complex tax issues. Tax professionals are encouraged to watch and submit questions. To access the Web cast at no charge, viewers can register online.
Tax professionals in need of continuing education credits are eligible to receive one CPE credit by viewing the Nov. 4 Web cast and purchasing the CE credit.
Archived shows are available on the site also at
The next show is on Tuesday, Jan. 13, 2009, when the topic will be “Getting Ready for Filing Season – 2009 (Individual and Business).” Two continuing education credits will be offered for this special 100-minute Web cast.