IRS Releases 2010 Data Book | Internal Revenue Service

IRS Releases 2010 Data Book


Notice: Historical Content

This is an archival or historical document and may not reflect current law, policies or procedures.

IR-2011-27, March 14, 2011

WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service today announced the release of the 2010 IRS Data Book PDF, an annual snapshot of agency activities for the fiscal year.

The report describes activities conducted by the IRS from Oct. 1, 2009, to Sept. 30, 2010, and includes information about returns filed, tax collections, enforcement and taxpayer assistance, as well as the IRS budget and workforce.

During fiscal year 2010, the IRS collected $2.3 trillion in revenue, and processed 230 million returns. More than 116 million returns, including almost 70 percent of individual income tax returns, were filed electronically. More than 119 million individual income tax return filers received a tax refund, totaling $358 billion. In fiscal year 2010, IRS spent an average of 53 cents to collect each $100 of tax revenue.

The IRS examined more than 1.5 million individual income tax returns and nearly 30,000 returns filed by corporations, excluding S corporations. The IRS provided taxpayer assistance through 305 million visits to and assisted more than 78 million taxpayers through its telephone helpline or at walk-in sites.

An electronic version of the 2010 IRS Data Book can be found on the Tax Stats.

Printed copies of the IRS Data Book, Publication 55B, will be available by mid-April from the U.S. Government Printing Office. To obtain a copy, write to the Superintendent of Documents, P.O. Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954. You may also order by calling (202) 512-1800 or faxing a request to (202) 512-2250.

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