IR-2006-48 , March 23, 2006
WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service is inviting civic-minded individuals to help improve the nation’s tax agency by applying to be members of the Taxpayer Advocacy Panel. The panel provides a forum for citizens from each state to make suggestions regarding IRS decision making.
Taxpayer Advocacy Panel (TAP) members:
Provide opportunities for citizen input and make recommendations to the IRS and Treasury on customer-service issues.
Identify and prioritize taxpayer issues.
Report annually to Treasury, the IRS and the National Taxpayer Advocate.
Participate in meetings where taxpayers are invited to raise issues about their experiences with the IRS.
Refer taxpayers who contact the panels to the IRS offices best able to address their issues.
“As the IRS continues to examine taxpayers’ needs in the area of service, the Taxpayer Advocacy Panel has emerged as a vital source for gathering and providing information from the perspective of taxpayers,” stated Nina E. Olson, National Taxpayer Advocate. “TAP’s role will ultimately aid taxpayers by supplying them with the top quality service that they deserve."
To qualify as a TAP member, applicants must be U.S. citizens and be able to commit 300 to 500 hours during the year to the panel. In addition, they must be current with their tax obligations and pass a criminal background check.
The application is available on the Taxpayer Advocacy Panel's Web site. Interested parties may apply on-line or download the form and mail it to:
Milwaukee TAP Office,
Stop 1006MIL,
310 West Wisconsin Avenue,
Milwaukee, WI 53203-2221.
Those without access to a computer may call 1-888-912-1227 for an application form.
Applications must be received by the TAP Office by April 28, 2006.
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