Filing Season Statistics for Week Ending March 17, 2023 | Internal Revenue Service

Filing Season Statistics for Week Ending March 17, 2023


2023 Filing Season Statistics — Individual Income Tax Returns

Cumulative statistics comparing March 18, 2022, and March 17, 2023

Return/Refund Category 2022 2023 % Change
Total returns received 72,223,000 71,861,000 -0.5
Total returns processed 70,305,000 71,455,000 1.6
Total e-filing returns received (may not equal subtotals due to rounding) 69,852,000 69,774,000 -0.1
E-filing returns received from tax professionals 34,395,000 35,239,000 2.5
E-filing returns received from self-prepared 35,457,000 34,535,000 -2.6
Web usage, visits 435,510,000 345,454,000 -20.7
Total number of refunds 51,775,000 53,912,000 4.1
Total amount refunded $171.137 Billion $158.096 Billion -7.6
Average refund amount $3,305 $2,933 -11.3
Total number of direct deposit refunds 49,960,000 50,940,000 2.0
Total amount refunded with direct deposit  $168.558 Billion $153.800 Billion -8.8
Average direct deposit refund amount $3,374 $ 3,019 -10.5