Electronic Tax Administration Advisory Committee Information Sheet



The Electronic Tax Administration Advisory Committee (ETAAC) is authorized under the Federal Advisory Committee Act, Public Law 92-463. ETAAC’s primary purpose is to provide continued input into the development and implementation of the Internal Revenue Service’s (IRS) strategy for electronic tax administration. ETAAC will provide an organized public forum for discussion of electronic tax administration issues in support of the overriding goal that paperless filing should be the preferred and most convenient method of filing tax and information returns.

Mission and Composition

ETAAC conveys to the IRS the public’s perception of IRS electronic tax administration activities, offers constructive observations about current or proposed policies, programs and procedures, and suggests improvements. ETAAC’s objectives will continue to evolve. Discussions will focus on solutions to problems, as well as, constructive observations of electronic tax administration. ETAAC meetings provide an opportunity for industry and academic leaders to offer collective advice on electronic tax administration issues facing the IRS.

The organizational representation of ETAAC will reflect balanced membership and will include representatives from various groups. These groups include tax practitioners and preparers, computerized tax processor communities, small business community members and other representatives from the electronic filing industry.

Desired Skills and Qualifications

  1. Experience in electronic tax administration including e-commerce, e-gov, e-filing, payment and communication options.
  2. Experience in strategic planning and/or change management. 
  3. Experience in systems management and improvement.
  4. Experience in implementing customer service initiatives.
  5. Experience in sales or marketing to individual and small business consumers.
  6. Experience in public policy development.
  7. Hands-on experience resolving major issues in key market segments.
  8. Experience in the development of effective communication networks within the tax community. 
  9. Experience establishing strategic partnerships with external groups, including federal and state entities. 
  10. Ability to formulate, develop and present proposals for ETAAC and the IRS Commissioner’s consideration.

Typical Meetings

The agenda for each public meeting will be developed jointly by the IRS and ETAAC. Subgroups, which will be comprised of ETAAC members and IRS executives, address specific electronic tax administration issues. Subgroups will interact throughout the year through working sessions, periodic conference calls, written correspondence and other methods of communication. 

ETAAC Commitments 

ETAAC members are expected to attend all public meetings and formal working sessions held during their three-year term. That's estimated to be approximately 100 hours each year on ETAAC activities. Each June, ETAAC provides an annual report to Congress on IRS’s progress in meeting the Restructuring and Reform Act of 1998 goals for electronic filing of tax returns.

Annual federal income tax and FBI background checks are required of all ETAAC members and applicants to the ETAAC. ETAAC members are not paid for their services. However, travel expenses to the public meetings, working and orientation sessions may be reimbursed within prescribed federal travel limitations. These expenses include: air fare, per diem and transportation to and from the airport.


ETAAC will provide support to the IRS and will help shape electronic tax administration. Membership on ETAAC requires expertise in electronic tax administration, a personal commitment of approximately 100 hours a year and a desire to help shape the electronic tax administration system.

For information, please contact:

Alec Johnston
National Public Liaison
Room 7569  IR
1111 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20224
Fax: 855-811-8020
Email: publicliaison@irs.gov