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The IRS Direct File program helps eligible taxpayers in 25 states prepare and file their federal taxes online directly with the IRS. This free filing option is available to residents of participating states with certain types of income, deductions, and credits. If you are one of the participating 25 states, help spread the word. With Direct File, filing taxes is always free, easy to use, accurate, and secure.
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Use our posts
You can use these posts and images to promote Direct File.
Post 1: Filing your taxes using #IRS Direct File means having access to guided help and online support. Visit to see if you’re eligible for this free tax filing option.
Post 2: Save time with Direct File by importing your tax information directly from the #IRS when it’s available. To see if you’re eligible and learn more, visit
Post 3: Direct File is free, accurate, secure and, best of all easy to use. Find out if Direct File is the right option for you by visiting #IRS
Post 4: You can use Direct File to securely file your taxes with the #IRS from your smartphone, tablet, or computer. See if Direct File is the right option for you by visiting
Post 1: ((State)) and 24 other states have joined Direct File, which means that this year you may be able to do your taxes for free directly with the #IRS. Find out if you can use this option:
Post 2: The #IRS Direct File program allows taxpayers in 25 states to file their taxes free of charge. Hey, ((state)), learn more about this program here:
Post 3: Update for ((State)): #IRS Direct File includes new features this year to make filing taxes even quicker and easier. If you live in any of the 25 states that have joined the free program, visit:
Post 1: Eligible taxpayers can now use #IRS Direct File to report 1099-R retirement income. This includes contributions to and most distributions from 401(k), pension, annuity, 403(b) or governmental 457(b) plans. Learn more at
Post 2: Are you retired or planning for retirement? If so, you can use #IRS Direct File to report your 1099-R income. Check your eligibility at
Post 3: File your 1099-R retirement income for free with #IRS Direct File. Eligible taxpayers can use Direct File for contributions & distributions from their 401(k), pensions, annuities, 403(b), and governmental 457(b) plans. Learn more at
Información general
Post 1: Presentar sus impuestos a través de Direct File del #IRS significa tener acceso a asistencia guiada y soporte en línea. Visite para ver si es elegible para esta opción gratis de presentación de impuestos.
Post 2: Ahorre tiempo con Direct File importando su información tributaria directamente desde el IRS cuando esté disponible. Para ver si es elegible y obtener más información, visite
Post 3: Direct File es gratis, preciso, seguro y, lo mejor de todo, fácil de utilizar. Descubra si Direct File del #IRS es la opción adecuada para usted visitando
Post 4: Puede utilizar Direct File del #IRS para presentar sus impuestos de forma segura desde su teléfono, tableta o computadora. Visite para ver si Direct File del IRS es la opción adecuada para usted.
25 estados
Post 1: ((Estado)) y otros 24 estados se han unido a Direct File del IRS, lo que significa que este año podrá hacer sus impuestos, gratis, directamente con el #IRS. Descubra si puede utilizar esta opción:
Post 2: El programa Direct File del #IRS permite a contribuyentes de 25 estados presentar sus impuestos de forma gratuita. Hola, ((estado)), obtenga más información sobre este programa aquí:
Post 3: Actualización para ((estado)): Direct File del #IRS incluye nuevas funciones este año para que la presentación de impuestos sea aún más rápida y sencilla. Si vive en alguno de los 25 estados que se han unido al programa gratuito, visite:
Post 1: If you or someone you care about appreciates a good deal, check out the Direct File guidelines to file electronically for free directly with the #IRS. Visit:
Post 2: Eligible taxpayers in 25 states can try a new option to file their tax returns online for free directly with the IRS. Spread the word about Direct File before the April 15 deadline:
Post 3: Tell anyone who likes to save money: People who live in a state where Direct File is now available may be eligible to file online for free directly with the #IRS. Visit: