Sample Regular ReportLetter begins with letterhead on the top of the page. Below the letterhead is the addressee information, such as the name, title and address. On the right side of the page is a continuation of the addressee information, such as the office symbols, examination area, name of JC specialist, phone number, fax number, related cases and date.Start of Letter - SalutationDear Mr. Chairman:First paragraph of templateIn accordance with the provisions of Section 6405 of the Internal Revenue Code, there are reported the following refunds or credits of income tax in favor of Taxpayer Inc. and Subsidiaries, (EIN: XXXXXXXXX), City, State:Second paragraph of template - Summary table of Refunds or CreditsSummary table includes columns for the Year, Deficiency, Tentative Allowances Section 6405(b), Net Refunds or Credits for years 201412 through 201612.Third paragraph of templateIn addition, there is a proposed refund in the amount of $23,759 for 201312.Fourth paragraph of templateThe refunds resulted primarily from the carryback of a net operating loss (NOL) and unused credits from 201712.Fifth paragraph of templateThe taxable income and tax liability reported on the returns and as finally determined are shown on the enclosed spreadsheets.Sixth paragraph of template - Taxpayer HistoryThe taxpayer was incorporated on May 4, 1949, and is engaged in real estate development. The taxpayer is also active in the family entertainment business and has interests in soft drinks and heavy construction equipment. The company's stock is widely held and traded on the New York Stock Exchange. There were no major acquisitions during the years covered by this report.Sixth paragraph of template - Continuation of Taxpayer HistoryThe primary reason for the loss was due to competition from major rivals. Also, technological improvements caused rapid obsolescence of equipment.