Flow chart continues from previous pageResearch BMFOL IDecision (9)Is MFT 06 present? IF No continue to process (i)IF Yes continue to decision (10)Process (i) Enter C in the Clear Code field. Continue to EndDecision (10)Are there returns posted for MFT 06? (A Y in the posted Return column shows a return is posted) IF No continue to process (j)IF Yes continue to decision (11)Process (j) SSPND 351 and attach Form 4227 for input of TC 016. Continue to EndDecision (11)Are all of the posted returns for MFT 06 later than the Tax Period of the return? IF Yes continue to process (k)IF No continue to decision (12)Process (k) SSPND 351 and attach Form 4227 for input of TC 016. (Note: If extensions, payments, or credits need to be moved, prepare Form 3465. Enter CCC X to prevent a refund from going out.Continue to EndDecision (12)Are all the postings for the same fiscal year and there are no dates on the top of page 1? If Yes continue to process (l)IF No continue to decision (13)Process (l)Change the FYM of the document to the fiscal year.Decision (13)Do the postings before the tax period of the return agree with the FYM of the document? IF Yes continue to process (m)IF No continue to decision (14)Process (m)SSPND 351 and attach Form 4227 for input of TC 016.Decision (14)Can you clearly determine from BMFOLI research that the return will post as filed? (See example below)IF Yes continue to process (n)IF No continue to decision (15)Process (n)SSPND 351 and attach Form 4227 for input of TC 016, or follow local procedures.Decision (15)Correspond using Letter 0319CThis is an illustration of how to identify when a return has posted to a specific Tax Period using Command Code BMFOL IExample: The return is filed for FYM 200711INOLES shows: FYM 06BMFOL I shows: Tax Period 201611 shows Y (yes) in Tax Period columnTax Period 201711 shows Y (yes) in Tax Period columnTax Period 201811 shows Y (yes) in Tax Period columnTax Period 201911 shows Y (yes) in Tax Period columnTax Period 202011 shows N (no) in Tax Period columnTax Period 202106 shows Y (yes) in Tax Period columnTax Period 202206 shows N (no) in Tax Period columnThe tax return for 202011 still needs to post. In this example, SSPND. 351 for input of TC 016, or follow local procedures.End of flow chart