Excise Workpaper Naming Convention Quick GuideWorkpapers in the 000 Series include Form 4318-E, Workpaper Index, and Form 15292-B, Excise Case Closing Cover Sheet. The naming conventions for these are:000 F4318-E Index000 F15292-B Case Closing SheetWorkpapers in the 100 Series, Front Cover section, include Forms 895. The naming conventions for these are:105 F895 20XXXXWorkpapers in the 200 Series, Inside Front Cover section, include Form 5346, Exam Information Report, Form 2363, MF Entity Change, IDRS Prints (INOLE, AMDISA, BMFOLI), Form 9440 Taxpayer Levy Source & Contact Info, and Form 3177 Notice of Action MF. The sequential naming conventions for these are:205 F5346 20XXXX210 F2363 Address Update215 IDRS 220 F9440 TP Levy Source225 F3177 Notice of Entry on MFWorkpapers in the 300 Series, return and Attached documents, include a scan of return or E-file return copy, RARs: 5384, 5385, 886-A 3363, 2297 etc., Form 3244-A Payment Posting Vouchers, Form 872-B Statute Extension Consents, and Form 2848 POA. The sequential naming conventions for these are:305 F720 20XXXX to 20XXXX305 F8849 Sch 3 20XXXX310 F5384 20XXXX to 20XXXX310 F886-A Explanation of Items315 F3244-A 20XXXX320 F872-B 20XXXX325 F2848Workpapers in the 400 Series, Inside Right section, include the Taxpayer Protests for unagreed cases, and Form 4665 Report Transmittal. The sequential naming conventions for these are:405 TP Protest XXXX405 TP Protest 062 Gasoline (Example)410 F4665 Report TxFor the A-E Series workpapers, no changes will be needed to the naming conventions for the regular workpapers as they are pre-generated by Notebook. If an agent needs to supplement one of these workpapers with another document, the supplemental document should use the prefix associated with that section plus a numeric (Prefix-02). See below for some examples.Workpapers in the A Series, include Administrative Check Sheet, Excise Tax Plan to Close Check Sheet, Group Manager Concurrence Meeting Check Sheet, Initial Appointment Check Sheet and Tour of Business Notes, and Initial Interview Questions and Notes. The sequential naming conventions for these are:A105 Admin SummaryA110 Plan to Close Ck ShA115 GM Con MeetingA120 Initial Appt Ck ShA125 Initial InterviewA125-02 Org Chart (example of supplement)A125-03 Prior Exam Report (example of supplement)Workpapers in the B Series include Multi-Period and Related Returns Check Sheet and FET Checksheet. The sequential naming conventions for these are:B200-1 Req Fil Ck B200-2 Related ReturnsWorkpapers in the C Series include Books to Returns Reconciliation, Internal Controls Check Sheet (Business tax returns), and Fraud Awareness Check Sheet. The sequential naming conventions for these are:C300 Books To Return Ck ShC305 Internal Controls Ck ShC310 Fraud Awareness Ck ShC310-02 F2797 Fraud Referral (example of supplement)Workpapers in the D Series include the Initial Taxpayer Contact Check Sheet. The naming convention for this is:D400 Initial Tp Contact Ck ShWorkpapers in the E Series include the Penalty Check Sheet. The naming convention for this is:E500 Penalty Ck ShWorkpapers in the F - Z Series include the Issue Lead Sheets (Issue #1 Lead Sheet, Issue #2 Lead Sheet, Issue #3 Lead Sheet, Issue #3 Supplemental workpaper/document, and Issue #3 Supplemental workpaper/document). The sequential naming conventions for these are:F001 060 Diesel Lead Sheet (Example)G001 062 Gasoline Lead Sheet (Example)H001 CRN 428 CNG Claim Lead Sheet (Example)H002 CNG Claim Calculation Summary (Example)H003 CNG Invoice Sample (Example)Workpapers in the ZZ Series, Miscellaneous, include Case Building Materials. The naming conventions for these are:ZZ Classification Sheet (Example)Workpapers in Other Changes include Correspondence, Information Document Requests (IDRs) Numbering, Return Documents - Should be located in Return Documents section of IMS, and 637 Cases. The sequential naming conventions for these are:L937 MM-DD-YYYY (EXAMPLE)IDR 001F5344 20XXXX, F3198F5345-D 20XXXX to 20XXXX637 cases will not be affected by these naming conventions but similar changes could be proposed at a later time.