The following graphic shows a sample memorandum with the required verbiage for the biannual POC exchange with BFS for the Unclaimed Funds program. Below is a description of the wording on the memo.The header line of the memo reads: MEMORANDUM FOR UNCLAIMED ASSETS ANALYST, BUREAU OF THE FISCAL SERVICEThe second line of the header is the From: and has a name line, Losses & Shortages Analyst, Accounting and Deposit Section, Submission Processing, Internal Revenue ServiceThe third line of the header is the Subject: Biannual Exchange of Unclaimed Assets Program Contact InformationThe body of the memo reads: In accordance with IRM, Unclaimed Funds, and IRM, Unclaimed Funds (Disposition of Requests for Claims from State Treasury), the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Losses and Shortages analyst will coordinate with the Bureau of the Fiscal Service (BFS), Unclaimed Assets analyst for assistance and coordination in securing those unclaimed assets specifically identified for IRS accounts from State Unclaimed Asset departments. In addition, the IRS will turn over unclaimed assets that cannot be identified to any IRS accounts from the State Unclaimed Asset departments as well. In effort to maintain current program contacts within each agency, the Losses and Shortages analyst, on behalf of the IRS, will contact the Unclaimed Assets analyst on a biannual basis to exchange program contact information. If program Point of Contact information changes outside of the biannual exchange, changes will be shared as they occur. Current contact information for each agency are as follows:U.S. Department of Treasury, Internal Revenue Service Submission Processing, Accounting and Deposit Losses and Shortages Analyst followed by analyst name, address, city state, zip and email address.U.S. Department of Treasury DMSOC-West Bureau of the Fiscal Service Program Resolution Branch Unclaimed Assets Analyst followed by analyst name, address, city state, zip and email address.The last section of the memo contains signature lines for each analyst with their agency name and title below the signature lines.