EDITING FS 2: TWO NAMES IN CAPTION AND SPOUSE DIED DURING TAX PERIODShown is the top half of page one, Form 1040. Also shown is the signature part of page 2, Form 1040. First name line reads Jack B Adder Deceased 05/27/24 and DECD is edited in red after the primary name Jack B per the Form 1310.Second name line reads Diane Adder and has been underlined in red.Third line of the caption reads, 1563 Orchard CtFourth line of the caption reads, San Francisco, CA 94121.Taxpayer has checked the box for single in the filing status area of the return.Tax examiner has circled the checked box for single and edited a checkmark in the checkbox for married filing jointly, since the primary taxpayer died during the tax year.The signature area of page 2, Form 1040, contains the signature for Diane Adder, signed on 02/06/25 and her occupation reads, attorney.