Figure 6 Public Form Two LanguagesFigure 6 displays the header and footer areas of a non-tax public use form with one header/footer combination in English and a translated header/footer pair in Spanish. In the English header area from left to right are: “Form 15080” with “(July 2020)” below it, “Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service” centered with the title “Consent to Disclose Tax Return Information to VITA/TCE Tax Preparation Sites” below it. In the bottom margin footer, “Catalog Number 71414A” is left justified, “” is centered and “Form 15080 (en-sp) (Rev. 7-2020)” is right justified. In the Spanish header area from left to right are: “Formulario 15080” with “(Julio de 2020)” below it, “Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service” centered with the title “Consentimiento para Divulgar la Informacion de la Declaracion de Impuestos a los Sitios de Preparacion de Impuestos de VITA/TCE” below it. In the bottom margin footer, “Catalog Number 71414A” is left justified, “” is centered and “Form 15080 (en-sp) (Rev. 7-2020)” is right justified. The Spanish translation has the same footer containing the official identification as the English.