Blank DCI Report Blank DCI Report (Title: EQSP) hyperlinks are at the top right of the screen. (START) From the Left: Export to Excel, Back Report Selection, and Back To List (END). Below the title: EQSP, (center of page) is the title: “Blank DCI Report”. Below this title is the Blank DCI Report consisting of two columns (Left and Right). The Left-column of the Blank DCI Report header consist of the following rows of information: (TOP) Operation, Function, and Program (END).The Right-column of the Site Report header consist of two rows of information, (START) from the left: Incorrect (Plus “+” and Minus “-“, signs), and Omitted (Plus “+” and Minus “-“, signs) (END). With the Plus “+” and Minus “- “, signs for both Incorrect and Omitted having the ability to expand (Plus “+” sign) and contracted (Minus “-“, sign) the “Section” below. Next, the Blank DCI Report shows the individual sections with the title of “Section – (Name)” with the next row displaying the header row for each “Section” of (START) from the left: Location, Opportunity, Repeated, Incorrect (Plus “+” and Minus “- “, signs), and Omitted (Plus “+” and Minus “- “, signs). With the Plus “+” and Minus “- “, signs for both Incorrect and Omitted headers having the ability to expand (Plus “+” sign) and contracted (Minus “- “, sign) the “Section” below. The note (Far left) points to the Incorrect and Omitted: Report Headers, Report Details Headers and Report Details section and state, “The “+” and “-“ features are used to expand or shrink additional information item available on the DCI. If tis feature is utilized from the “header” portion of the screen or column, it will apply to the entire DCI. If this feature is used from within the DCI, it will only apply to the areas selected.”