Exhibit illustrates a current USPS.com Track & Confirm record. It is used for certified mail only and when a postmark is not present on an envelope.The United States Postal Service (USPS).COM Track & Confirm is used for Certified Mail Only. It has the following tracking information about the status of a package or parcel. If a postmark is not present, tax examiners must look for a USPS.com Track & Confirm record that has been attached to the return. This must be attached before the envelope. Tax examiners must use the Acceptance date on the record to determine timeliness and follow normal editing procedures. The following items are displayed on this document:Descriptions of Information Items on the USPS.COM Track & Confirm DocumentTop line is three items left to right:English - language the document is printed inCustomer ServiceUSPS MobileSecond lineUSPS.COM - beneath this heading is a third line with the following items, left to right:Quick ToolsShip a PackageSend MailManage Your MailThe fourth line only is the header, Track & Confirm, followed by a fifth (5th) line:Fifth line - a table follows with four (4) columns with the following items:PRINT DETAILS - this is a drop down itemYOUR LABEL NUMBER - is found directly beneath the Print details drop-down. on this example, beneath this header is the 20-digit label number 00000004589475123472SERVICE - beneath this column header is the notation, First-Class MailSTATUS OF YOUR ITEM - beneath this column header is a single word, DeliveredDATE & TIME - beneath this column header is a delivered date, April 19, 2025, 12:48 PMThe following items on the sixth line are found directly beneath the Status of Your Item and Date and Time columns. They are as follows:On this example, the Arrival at Unit label is found directly beneath the Status of Your Item column with its Date and Time directly to the right of this header, under the Date and Time column. The Arrival at Unit date is April 18, 2025, 12:32 PMThe Acceptance label is found directly beneath the Arrival at Unit label. The AcceptanceDate and Time directly to the right of this header, under the Date and Time column. The Acceptance date is April 18, 2025, 10:27 AM. There is an arrow pointed at Acceptance and an arrow pointed at the Acceptance date.In the lower left corner of the Track & Confirm document is a caption, Check on Another Item.Next line under Check on Another Item reads: What's your label (or receipt) number?About two lines down, to the right of the center of the page is a Find button, found directly beneath the Acceptance label.