The EPSS Review Waiver Memorandum is used to document the reason employee reviews could not be conducted. The memorandum is on the Wage and Investments Division letterhead and includes the Internal Revenue Service logo and includes the Atlanta, GA 30308 address. The memorandum states who memorandum is for, who it is from and contains the subject line, Exception from Evaluative Monitoring. The next section indicates No evaluative Reviews will be conducted during this time period for the following reason and includes four entries with a blank line for a date to be entered on the appropriate line. The four entries are: You were placed in Non-Work Status on, You were given a temporary promotion beginning on, You went on leave of absence beginning on, Other. There is an additional statement Indicating Reviews will begin again when you return on, with a blank line for a date to be entered. The next paragraph states The following review(s) were waived for the month of, with a blank line for the appropriate month to be entered. The statement continues with This was based on the reason above or other assignments preventing you from doing direct program work. The next line states The number of reviews waived: and includes two entries: Telephone Review(s) and Paper Reviews(s) with a blank line where user should enter the number of reviews waived. The last line of the memorandum states In lieu of direct program work, the following assignments were performed:. At the bottom of the memorandum, it states Approved: and includes a line for the signature and date of the Department Manager and another line for the signature and date of the Employee.