Form 3520-A - Page 5Summary: This is an example of page 5 of Form 3520-A with field designators in braces. The line items with field designators are listed.Foreign Grantor Trust Beneficiary StatementLine 6a. Name of U.S. Beneficiary: {Field 10L6N}Line 6b. TIN: {Field 10L6T} {Field 10L6E}Line 7. Cash amounts or FMV of property that during the current tax year was (1) distributed directly or indirectly to a U.S. person whether or not the U.S. person is designated as a beneficiary of the trust, (2) loaned (exclude loans treated as qualified obligations) directly or indirectly to the U.S. person who is a beneficiary of the trust or a U.S. person related to that U.S. person, or (3) used by the U.S. person who is a beneficiary of the trust or a U.S. person related to that U.S. person without compensating the trust for the FMV of the use of the property within a reasonable period of time. (See the instructions for Part III of Form 3520 for U.S. tax treatment of these amounts.)The next fields are two columns out of six, identified with a lower case letter. Each column has eight lines. If more than two lines have been filled in, then a multiple indicator number is entered in the right margin by column 7(f): {Field 10MOR}Column (b), Description of property distributed, Row 1: {Field 10DL7}Column (c) FMV of property distributed (determined on date of distribution), Row 1: {Field 10FL7}Column (b), Description of property distributed, Row 2: {Field 10L7D}Column (c) FMV of property distributed (determined on date of distribution), Row 2: {Field 10L7F}Total : {Field 10TOT}Line 9 - Owner of the foreign trust is (check one)checkbox Individual checkbox Partnershipcheckbox Corporation {Field 10L9X}