EQSP Site Program Summary Report EQSP Site Program Summary Report (Title: EQSP) hyperlinks are at the top right of the screen. (START) From the Left: Export to Excel, Back Report Selection, and Back To List (END). Below the title: EQSP, (center of page) is the title: “EQSP Site Program Summary Report”. Below this title is the EQSP Site Program Summary Report consisting of two columns (Left and Right).The Left-column of the EQSP Site Program Summary Report header consist of the following rows of information: (TOP) Period Covered and Report Date (END). The Right-column of the Site Report header consist of three rows of information, (START) from the left: DCIs (Number), Defect DCIs (Number), and Accuracy (percentage) (END). Next, the EQSP Site Program Summary Report shows the title “Site Program Summary” (Center page) for the Site, and the next row displays the headers of (START) from the left: Site, Average Sample Size, Total DCI Count, Total Defective, and DCI Total Defects (END). Next row displays the title: “Program Summary” (Center page); followed the Program Summary information for each Site. With the next row displaying the headers of (START) from the left: Program, Average Sample Size, Total DCI Count, and Total Defects (END).Next row displays the title: “Program Defect” (Center page); followed the Program Defect Summary information for each Site. With the next row displaying the headers of (START) from the left: Program, Function, Section, Location, and Total Defects (END).