UPC 501 - No Account Present - ResearchFigure 3.12.179-58 shows how to use the signature to research the entity, when there is a mismatch on the TIN. Displayed is a Form 1096, Annual Summary and Transmittal of U.S. Information Return. The Filer's name is Cassie Crocus and the address is 345 Lotus Dr, Phoenix, AZ 85026. The EIN is 00-1111111 and the SSN is 000-00-2345. The signature is Ted Alder. Next is a Name Screen, listing Ted Alder, Cassie Crocus at the same address as the Form 1096, with EIN 00-3333333. Next is displayed an UPRES screen for UPC 501. The TIN, 00-1111111 is being changed to 00-3333333. The name control CROC, is being changed to ALDE. The remarks field states - Per DOC & CC NAMEE.