UPC 197 RC 0- Resolution Procedures for ReturnsFigure 3.12.179-54 shows the flowchart for resolution for returns. The flowchart starts with Decision one: Is the unpostable addressing the wrong module/ account? At the end of the chart a note indicates if the transaction code is a 29X, treat as TC 150. Input CC IMFOLT to reestablish the module currently on the retention register, input CC IMFOLB. URC 0 and cycle appropriately.If Yes, resolve case using URC 6 to correct the erroneous information. If No, continue to Decision two.Decision two: Is the unpostable tax period currently being reestablished (PN TC 370)? If Yes, Close case using URC 0 to post one cycle after TC 370.If No, continue to Decision three.Decision three: Is the unpostable tax period on CC IMFOLI preceded by an R? If Yes, continue to decision five. If No, continue to Decision four.Decision four: Is the unpostable tax period on CC IMFOLV? If Yes, Request a Retention Register usign all four methods in Exhibit 3.12.179-2. When it arrives, send microfilm transcript with Form 5248 to Accounting. Continue to Decision Five.Decision Five: Is there a TC 150 posted to the module? If Yes, continue to Decision six.If No, Input CC IMFOLB to pull the module back from retention. If error message CFOL007 displays, refer to Exhibit 3.12.179-2 for CC IMFOLR instructions. Close with URC 0 and cycle delay to post after TC 370 has posted. Decision Six: Is the unpostable return a true duplicate of a posted return? If Yes, Release using URC 8. Request Rejects cancel the DLN and refile the document.If No, Suspend the case and follow local procedures for reassignment to Statutes.End of flowchart.