UPC 178 RC 0 - Extension Date ResolutionFigure 3.12.179-50 shows the resolution when the extension date is input incorrectly. First is displayed a CC TXMOD screen for 000-00-4567. In the Posted Transaction Section, TC 460 is posted with an extension date of 101520XX. In the Pending Return Section, TC 460, dated 081020XX, is shown as unposting U178 with an extension date of 071520XX. An arrow points to the 071520XX date with the notation - INPUT ERROR. Next is displayed a screen showing TC 460, Extension-Dt 101520XX and Trans-Dt 081020XX. An UPRES screen is displayed showing D entered for the UPC 178, TC 460 with a date of 20XX0810. The Remarks state EXT DATE WRONG, NEW 460 INPUT.