UPC 176 RC 0 - Correcting Canadian Social Insurance Numbers (SIN’s)Figure 3.12.179-48 show the resolution for locating a better SSN for a Canadian Social Insurance Number (SIN). Displayed is partial page one of a Form 1040-NR. First name field is Colby. The Last name field is Mulberry. The Identifying number is 000-00-1243 and is circled. The address in the country where you are a permanent resident is 21 Skeena Montreal Canada. Notation - Research for Valid SSN. Next is displayed a partial NAMEI screen. The name found is Mulberry, Colby and the SSN is 000-00-1234. Notation states Valid Number Found. A second notation - Research for a valid SSN. If not found, URC 0 to post on invalid side or URC 8 if claiming exemption and/or EIC. If found, release using URC 6 and correct SSN. Then an UPRES screen is displayed showing the TIN change from 000-00-1243 to 000-00-1234. The notation states Release using URC 6 and correct the SSN.