UPC 175 RC 0 - Resolution when Credit is Not AvailableFigure 3.12.179-43 shows the resolution when the credit is not available. Displayed is a CC TXMOD screen for 000-00-1234 for tax period 201812. Transaction codes 150, 806 and 836 are posted. The pending transaction section shows unpostable 175 for transaction code 830 for 371.00. The notation states - The TC 836 shows the credit elect was previously transferred by Master File. Next is displayed a CC TXMOD for 000-00-1234 for tax period 201912. In the posted transaction section is TC 716 for 371.00. A TC 710 is also posted for the same amount 371.00. The module balance is in credit for 742.00. The notation states - Always research the credit module for erroneous refunds. If an erroneous refund is posting during the current cycle, AND a return is posted input CC NOREF. The same credit is posted on TXMOD but no return has posted to this module so no erroneous refund would be issued. Next displayed is an IMF IDRS Transaction Record. The period 201812 is circled and the tax period 201912 is written above it. The primary transaction code shown is TC 830. The 830 is circled and 712 is written beside it. Next is shown an UPRES screen for 175 showing URC 6 entered and correction to reflect TXPD 201912 and the new TC 712 were entered. Last Notation, Close the unpostable to post against the debit. URC 6 to correct.