UPC 166 RC 0 - URC 6Figure 3.12.179-39 shows a partial Form 4251. The Filing Status Code (FSC) is highlighted with the number 3. The Master File status (FS) is 1. There is a notation that Form 4251 shows current Master File filing status (FS) is 1, and a return has been transcribed with filing status code (FSC) 3. A partial Form 1040 2023 tax return displays a single taxpayer's name and two Social Security Numbers (SSN's) are displayed in the Social Security boxes for the taxpayer and spouse. In the filing status section the taxpayer has checked the Married filing separate box. The taxpayer has indicated the spouse name. A notation within the Form states Verify from the return that the transcribed filing status is correct. An UPRES screen is displayed, UPRES, the name control, name line and spouse TIN correction is highlighted. A notation states Close the case with URC 6. Input the name control, name line and spouse SSN.