UPC 159 - No Existing Tax Module FlowchartFigure 3.12.179-34 displays the flowchart of conditions/resolutions for UPC 159 resolution. The process starts with question one: Is the payment intended for MFT 55 (Civil Penalty)? Yes response flows to resolution box- Resolve/Release using URC 6 or 8 (when appropriate) after ensuring the Civil Penalty account module is established.No response goes to next condition question.Question two: Was the SSN, the name control or the tax period input incorrectly? Yes response flows to resolution box - Resolve using URC 6 or 8 (when appropriate) to correct the erroneous information. No response goes to next question condition.Question three: Is the module pending (a dummy module), or is there a TC pending which creates an account module or unpostable? Yes response flows to resolution box - Close using URC 0. Cycle appropriately. No response goes to next question condition.Question four: Can the correct account module be determined after research? Yes response flows to resolution box - Resolve/Release using URC 6 or 8 (when appropriate) to post the transaction to the correct account module. No response goes to next question condition.Question five: Is the unpostable a TC 680? Yes response flows to response - If a TC 150 is posted or pending, close with URC 0. If TC 150 is not pending or posted, resolve using URC 6 to correct to TC 670.No response goes to final response: All others are GUF Auto Void to the originator.