UPC 159 RC 0 - No Existing Tax ModuleFigure 3.12.179-33. CC TXMOD screen for 000-00-1234 showing a dummy module. The NM-CNTRL is SPRU. The Pending Transactions Section shows the following unpostable transactions: U151 660 061020XX 200.00-, 20XX25, 00111 -111-11111-X; U159 661 061020XX, 200.00, 2019XX 00222-222-22222-X; U159 280 061020XX 5.00 20XX25, 00222-222-22222-X. Notation: A dishonored check is attempting to post before the payment has posted. Next is displayed an UPRES screen for correcting UPC 151, TC 660. The annotation is TC 000 is needed to post TC 660. Then close both cases using URC 0 with Definer B. This will create the tax module needed to post TC 661. Next is displayed an UPRES screen for correcting UPC 159, TC 661. The annotation is If another unpostable transaction is causing UPC 159, associate both cases and resolve so they post in the same cycle, if possible.