This represents the front page of Form 6001, Letter 12(C) Correspondence Action Sheet, with an example of how to fill out the form for correspondence.Page 1 shows the following edit marks: A -- Box F is X'd for Form 5129 – Filing Status, Exemptions, Standard Deduction Amount, Age 65/Blind in red.B -- Box I is X'd for Form 8283, 600.00, Line 12, the S is circled and the letter A edited in red.C -- Box J is X'd for Form 8863, 500.00, Line 29 and F is circled and 1040 is edited in red.C -- Box K is X'd for Form 8880, 200.00, Line 4, S for Schedule is circled and 3 edited in red.D -- Box O is X'd for Explain Entry Amt., 5135.00, Line 10, S for Schedule is circled and A is edited in red.E -- Box W is X’d for Schedule SE, 1200.00, Line 4, S for Schedule is circled and 2 edited in red.