EDITING SPECIAL PROCESSING CODE AShown is the completed top part of Form 8332, Release/Revocation of Release of Claim by Custodial Parent, and the top part of a completed Form 1040. Form 8332 shows the name of the noncustodial parent claiming exemption to be Gary Finch.Noncustodial parent's social security number is 000-00-8541.Form 8332, Part I, Release of claim to exemption for current year, includes the statement that reads, I agree not to claim an exemption for Anna Finch. The remainder of this form is not visible in the graphic.Form 1040 shows the following information:First name line reads Hellene Hawk. SSN reads 000-00-6532Second name line is blank.Street address reads: 685 Lark Ave.City, state ZIP code reads: Santa Fe, NM 87501Filing status is single.Line 6c shows Anna Finch. Anna's SSN is 000-00-6956. Relationship is daughter.Special Processing Code A is edited in red to the right of the Presidential Election Campaign Fund (PECF) boxes.Text under the graphic reads: When Form 8332 or Form 2120 are attached with entries, or a divorce decree is attached, edit Special Processing Code A in the right margin next to the Spouse’s SSN.