EDITING THE DEPENDENCY STATUS INDICATOR (TY17 AND PRIOR)Graphic is broken down into Part a and Part b. The title of Part a reads, The filing status is 1, 3, 4, 5, or 7.Shown are two examples of the filing status and exemption areas of completed Forms 1040.First example shows box 1 checked. There are no other taxpayer entries present.The tax examiner has edited DSI 1 on the dotted portion of line 6b, above column (4).The caption at the bottom of the sample reads, Edit DSI 1 if the 6a box is not checked when both exemption position 1 and the total exemptions box are zero, dash, or blank.Second example in Part a shows box 1a marked in the filing status area for single filing status.Total number of exemptions claimed shows 1.Tax examiner has not edited DSI.The caption at the bottom of the sample reads, Do not edit DSI 1 when anything other than a zero or a dash is entered in either exemption position 1 or the total exemptions box.The title of Part b reads, The filing status is 2 or 6.Shown is one example of the filing status and exemption area of a completed Form 1040.Taxpayer has checked box 2 in the filing status area for Married filing jointly.The exemption area shows only box 6b marked for spouse.The total boxes checked on 6a and 6b reflects 1.The caption at the bottom of sample b reads, Edit DSI 1 if the 6a box is not checked and a 1 is entered in exemption position 1.