DELETING A CHILD'S NAME ON SCHEDULE EIC: TIN CANNOT BE PERFECTEDThis figure shows a partial Form 1040 showing the Exemptions portion and a Schedule EIC showing lines 1 through 6.Form 1040 has the following entries: Dependents, column (1), First name Last name - Cheryl Bilberry.Dependents, column (2), Dependent's social security number - 000-00-9018.Dependents, column (3), Dependent’s relationship to you - dgtr.Dependents, column (4), check if qualifying child for child tax credit - box is not checked.Schedule EIC has the following entries: Line 1, Child's name, Child 1 - Cheryl Bilberry.Line 1, Child's name, Child 2 - Stanley Banana.A red X has been edited to the left of the entry on Line 1, Child's name (Stanley Banana), Child 2. The child is non-qualifying because the TIN cannot be perfected from the Form 1040.Line 2, Child's SSN, Child 1 - 000-00-9018 has been edited in red.Line 3, Child's year of birth, Child 1 - 2004.Line 3, Child's year of birth, Child 2 - 2007.Line 5, Child’s relationship to you, Child 1 - daughter. The relationship indicator of 1 has been edited in red to the right of the word daughter.Line 5, Child’s relationship to you, Child 2 - nephew.Line 6, Number of months child lived with you in the United States during 2023, Child 1 - 12.Line 6, Number of months child lived with you in the United States during 2023, Child 2 - 12.