EDITING FORM 5329This figure shows a partial Form 1040 showing the caption portion and filing status, and a partial Form 5329 showing the entity portion and Part III.Form 1040 has the following entries: Your first name and initial - John H., Last name - Mica.Your social security number - 000-00-5325.If a joint return, spouse’s first name and initial - Melody J.Last name - Mica.Spouse’s social security number - 000-00-3376.Home address (number and street).- 912 Lincoln Ave.City, town or post office, state, and ZIP code.- Los Angeles, CA 90052.Presidential Election Campaign Check here if you, or your spouse if filing jointly, want $3 to go to this fund - You box and Spouse box are both checked.Filing Status - Married filing jointly box is checked.Form 5329 has the following entries: Top line of form, Name of individual subject to additional tax. - John H. and Melody J Mica.2 is edited in red above the name to indicate the Form 5329 is being filed for Melody because her TIN is on the Form 5329.Top line of form, Your social security number - 000-00-3376.Line 11, 2023 traditional IRA contributions, included in income - 900.00.Line 13, Add lines 10, 11 and 12 - 900.00.