X-ING LINE 3: PROVIDER TIN IS MISSINGThis figure shows a partial Form 2441 showing lines 1, 2 and 3. There is a line of text at the top of the figure that reads, X-ING LINE 3: PROVIDER TIN MISSING.Form 2441 has the following entries: Top line of form, Name(s) shown on return - Michael and Elizabeth Labrador.Top line of form, Your social security number - 000-00-4451.Line 1, column (a), Care provider's name, first row - Kate Samoyed. Line 1, column (b), Address, first row - 1200 S. Spaniel San Francisco CA 94101.Line 1, column (d), Amount paid, first row - 1200.00.Line 1, column (a), Care provider's name, second row - Amanda Hound.Line 1, column (b), Address, second row - 3220 N Wolf San Francisco CA 94101.Line 1, column (d), Amount paid, second row - 700.00.Line 2 column (a) Qualifying persons name, first row - Matthew Labrador.Line 2 column (b), Qualifying persons social security number, first row - 000-00-3226.Line 2 column (c), Qualified expenses you incurred and paid in 2018 for the person listed in column (a), first row - 1200.00.Line 2 column (a), Qualifying persons name, second row - Ellen Labrador.Line 2 column (b), Qualifying persons social security number, second row - 000-00-4452.Line 2 column (c), Qualified expenses you incurred and paid in 2019 for the person listed in column (a), second row - 700.00.Line 3, Add the amounts in column (c) of line 2. Do not enter more than $3,000 for one qualifying person or $6,000 for two or more persons. If you completed Part III, enter the amount from line 31 - 1900.00.A red X is edited to the left of the entry on line 3 because no provider identifying number was provided.There is a text box over the graphic that reads: There is no other correspondence condition on the return.