EDITING THE TIN AND SOCIAL SECURITY WAGES AND TIPS FROM FORMS W-2 TO SCHEDULE SEThis figure shows a partial Schedule SE with three Forms W-2. The Schedule SE has the following entries: Top line of schedule, Name of person with self-employment income - George Darter.Top line of schedule, Social Security number of person with self-employment income - 000-00-7315 is edited in red.Line 2, (text obscured) - 9650.00.Line 3, (text obscured) - 9650.00.Line 4a. (text obscured)- 8911.00.Line 4c. (text obscured) - 8911.00.Line 6, (text obscured) - 8911.00.Line 7, (text obscured): 128,400Line 8d. (text obscured) - 19501 is edited in red.There are two back arrows pointing from the W-2 for George Darter, one from block 2, Social Security Wages, and one from block 7, Social Security Tips, to the edited entry on line 8d, indicating that those two amounts are to be added together and entered on that line.Line 9, (text obscured): 118199Line 10, (text obscured): 1105Line 11, (text obscured): 258.Line 12, (text obscured): 1363.The first Form W-2 shows the upper portion of the form with the following entries:Block a, Employee's social security number - 000-00-6235.Block b, Employer identification number (EIN) - 00-1599423.Block c, Employer's name, address, and ZIP code - Haddock & Roan LLP 1511 W. Herring ST Portland, ME 04401.Block e, Employee's first name and initial --- Last name, Jan DarterBlock 1, Wages, tips, other compensation - 22,529.56.Block 2, Federal income tax withheld - 2,071.93.Block 3, Social security wages - 22,529.56.Block 4, Social security tax withheld - 1,396.83.Block 5, Medication wages and tips - 22,529.56.Block 6, Medicare tax withheld - 326.68.The second Form W-2 shows the upper portion of the form with the following entries:Block a, Employee's social security number - 000-00-7315.Block b, Employer identification number (EIN) - 00-4747111.Block c, Employer's name, address, and ZIP code - Smelt CONSTRUCTION 98 Hickory PLACE Portland, ME 04401.Block e, Employee's first name and initial - Last name, George Darter.Block 1, Wages, tips, other compensation - 400.00.Block 2, Federal income tax withheld - 40.00.Blocks 3 through 12a are blank.The third Form W-2 shows the complete form with the following entries:Block a, Employee's social security number - 000-00-7315.Block b, Employer identification number (EIN) - 00-1135849.Block c, Employer's name, address, and ZIP code - Mackerel Restaurant 212 Seagull St Portland, ME 04401.Block e, Employee's first name and initial -- Last name, George Screamer.Block f, Employee's address and ZIP code - 2901 S. Robin Way Portland, ME 04401.Block 1, Wages, tips, other compensation - 18,322.75.Block 2, Federal income tax withheld - 1,395.56.Block 3, Social security wages - 18,398.00.Block 4, Social security tax withheld - 1,209.07.Block 5, Medicare wages and tips - 19,501.20.Block 6, Medicare tax withheld - 282.77.Block 7, Social security tips - 1,103.20.Block 12a. See instructions for box 12 - D -1,178.45.A black arrow points from blocks 3 (Social security wages) and 7 (Social security tips) on the third Form W-2 (Mackerel Restaurant) to the 19501 that is edited in red on line 8d of Schedule SE, indicating that those two amounts are to be added together to make that total.There is text at the bottom of the figure that reads, Enter wages and tips for only the taxpayer named on Schedule SE and only from Form(s) W-2 with an amount in the 'Social Security tax withheld' box.