EDITING A RURAL ROUTE AND BOX NUMBER ADDRESSThis figure contains two (2) parts, a and b. Both examples show the caption part of a completed Form 1040. Part a is entitled, A Street Number is Present.Name line one reads Arnold BearName line two is blank.Line 3 of the caption reads Rural Route 2 Box 23 and 610 Navy LaneLine 4 of the caption reads Fargo, ND 58102.The tax examiner has underlined Rural Route 2 Box 23 in red on the third line of the caption as the Additional Information Line.Part b is entitled, A Street Number is NOT Present.Name line one reads Arnold BearName line two is blank.Line 3 of the caption reads Rural Route 2 Box 23 and Navy LaneLine 4 of the caption reads Fargo, ND 58102.The tax examiner has underlined Navy Lane in red on the third line of the caption as the Additional Information Line.