Editing a Received DateThis figure contains two (2) separate examples:Example 10a is entitled From the Postmark Date. It shows the top portion of an incoming envelope and a folded Form 1040 showing a portion of the caption area. a) The incoming envelope showing the return address as: Don Orange, 1817 E. Prune Avenue, Houston, TX 77013.b) Two postmark dates are present on the envelope -- April 15, 2024 and April 27, 2024.c) The top line of the caption on Form 1040 reads, Don Orange, SSN 000-00-1213.d) The tax examiner has edited the received date of 042724 to the right of Dependents (see instructions).Example 10b is entitled, From the Signature Line: No Postmark Date Availablea) Shown is a picture of a folded Form 1040 showing the first line of the caption area and the signature area.b) The top line of the caption on Form 1040 reads, Curt Falcon, SSN 000-00-9217.c) Signature line reads, Curt Falcon.d) The date next to the signature is 042922.e) The tax examiner has edited the received date of 042922 to the right of Dependents (see instructions).