This has the Entity part of a Form 1040 in the top of the picture and a Form 3893 in the bottom. The Form 1040 has a stamped DLN 00 221 118 000 00X in the upper right corner of the Form 1040. The same DLN is in Box 2 below on the Form 3893. The first name line on the Form 1040 is Ethan Sparrow with 000–00–1905 listed as taxpayer's SSN, second name is Hollie Sparrow with 000–00–5603 listed as the taxpayer's SSN, address is 6805 Cedar Lane, San Antonio, TX 78284.On the Form 3893 below the Entity part of Form 1040: File Type has check in IMF box. Box 4 contains 1. In Box 11, the R-Reprocessable box is checked. Box 13 is checked. Box 14 (Remarks) is a statement, Do Not G Code. Box 15 has Non-Remittance box checked. Box 16 contains 00. Box 17 has the preparer of the Form 3893 information, including IDRS number, telephone ext and date. In Box 19, the Corrected to original return box is checked.