Part I: Responsibilities (continued)Element: Leadership and Employee PerspectiveDepartment-wide Performance Standards (Fully Successful) Develops, prioritizes and aligns strategies, objectives and goals, taking into account key influences on organizational performance. Successfully leads organizational change, effectively communicating the organization’s mission, core values, and strategic goals to employees and other stakeholders. Creates and sustains a positive workplace that inspires others to support the organization’s mission and goals. Uses sound judgment to make effective and timely decisions. Exhibits leadership style that demonstrates integrity, sound judgment and high ethical standards of public service. Motivates others to achieve high performance through open and honest communication. Creates an environment for continuous learning. Develops and recognizes employees so that they realize their full potential. Establishes and maintains a culture of professionalism and integrity where employees are treated with dignity and respect. Advocates a safe and healthy workplace by maintaining personal knowledge and promoting awareness of Treasury safety, health, and environmental policies, practices, and procedures to avoid injuries from preventable causes.[Choice of:] Outstanding, Exceeded, Fully Successful, Minimally Satisfactory, UnsatisfactoryOrganizational Performance Standards (Fully Successful) Attorney Performance Management – Ensure that subordinate managers understand that their personal evaluations are impacted by the execution of their managerial responsibilities to attorneys under their supervision (e.g. timely and accurate performance evaluations, timely performance counseling, timely actions to address marginal or unacceptable performance, accurate assignment of work based on position descriptions, etc.) Ensure that subordinate managers receive training in performance management techniques and that new staff attorneys are evaluated in writing each quarter of their first year. Use sound position management to appropriately assign work to managerial and non-managerial attorneys commensurate with the grade 15 duties and responsibilities as developed by the executives for these positions. Also, focus subordinate managers’ attention on developing, enriching, and managing work to be consistent with the attorneys’ assigned duties and responsibilities.Attorney and Paralegal Development Management - Actively promote effective management of attorney and paralegal development by investing in effective legal training, assessing recruitment and retention strategies, promoting employment with the Office of Chief Counsel to recent law school graduates as a great place to start their career, and developing employees to ensure future leadership of the Office. Promote employee development by cultivating a cadre of employees to assume future management roles and by emphasizing litigation skill enrichment.[Choice of:] Outstanding, Exceeded, Fully Successful, Minimally Satisfactory, Unsatisfactory