Figure 20.2.14-1 Marin Corporation Overlapping Period Time LineSummary: The displayed time line reflects the overlapping period of overpayment and underpayment interest accruals for the underpayment to be netted against the overpayment. This time line is presented using numbers from left to right to help explain the rest of the data on the page. This data is displayed from where the time span begins to where the span ends (by numbers) and then what information is presented. Amounts enclosed in parentheses represent a credit amount.201212, Form 1120, Underpayment, 03152013, $595,890.00201212, Overpayment, 03152013, (amount on which overpayment interest was previously paid)201212, Refund Date, 10132013, $1,659,800.72201212, Payment Date, 08212015, $631,351.04From 1 to 4: Underpayment Interest PeriodFrom 1 to 3: Overpayment Interest PeriodFrom 1 to 3: Overlapping Period. Overlapping Amount $595,890.00