Revenue Ruling 99-40 WorksheetSummary: This is an example of a completed worksheet as it relates to Rev. Rul. 99-40. Sequa Worksheet for Book, Inc. Underpayment of Estimated Tax by Corporations Tax Year Ended 12/31/2019 Interest for tax year ending one year prior to date above. Tax Year Beginning 01/01/2019-Tax Year Beginning 01/01/2019Is this a Large corp? (Large=1, No=0)1Tax Per Return987,654.00Total987,654.00Tax from prior year's return1,234,456.00Required annual payment987,654.0025% if large corp. Only applies for 1st installment246,913.50Refund issued prior to due date-Overpayment credit from prior year461,386.00Annualized method applicable? (Yes=1, No=0)0Installment Due Dates04/15/201906/15/201909/15/201912/15/201903/15/2020Required Installments246,913.00246,913.00246,913.00246,913.00-Amount Paid or credited each period(246,913.00)(246,913.00)0.00(246,913.00)-Excess from previous installment- amount paid246,913.50246,913.500.00246,913.50-Application of overpayment credit per Sequa0.000.00246,913.500.00214,472.50Overpayment0.