This is a sample Case Summary Card for a TEFRA key case. The following fields are completed: TP: Begonia Partnership TIN: A1-0123456 Location: FX-OX-OO-ANT PRIBUSCD: 304 CAT: IC WUNO: X102069008 Source: FE DO: 00 Part: 1 PROJCD: 000 MFT: 06 AO: Tulip, J. (XXXX/ANT/O1) ACTIVITY: 482 SRCSYS: ACDS TYPE: TEFRA ASNDATE: 07/25/2010 REQAPPL: 06/21/2010 RECDATE: 07/21/2010 CREATED: 07/21/2010 KEYPER: 200512 CORWUGRADE: 0 WUDOLRS: 443,665 TOTPROASS: 443,665 CASEDOLRS: 443,665 TOTPRODEF: 443,665 TOTCLMDISL: 0 TOTAPPCLM: 0 TOTAPPDIS: 0 TOTCLM: 0 At the bottom of the page, there are eleven columns and three rows. The three rows from left to right read as follows: Row 1: AIMS, TAXPER, STATDATE, S, P, BodCd, PropdTax, PropdPen, RevsdTax, RevsdPen. Row 2: Y, 200512, 12/31/2011, N, 304-00000-0000, $251,173, 0, 0, 0. Row 3: Y, 200612, 12/31/2011, N, 304-00000-0000, $193,492, 0, 0, 0.