This exhibit contains a sample Form 3210 that is used to notify the TEFRA Campus to link an AAR on PCS.The Form 3210 is addressed to the key case CTF to the attention of the PCS Coordinator. The remarks section has the following text: AAR to be linked on PCS.The Form 3210 contains the following information:Name of Partnership: EIN: Year(s): MFT: 06Form: 1065IRC 6229(a) Statute Date: Docket Number: Enclosures: Form 8340Copy of Form 1065X or Form 8082 with amended Form 1065 and Schedules K-1Copy of Original Form 1065 and all Schedules K-1Current AMDISAAdding machine tape reconciling income (loss) on Schedules K-1 and total income (loss) of partnershipSmall envelopeNecessary Action:Acknowledge receipt by returning Part 3 of Form 3210 within 10 days Link all partners on PCSDo NOT send any notices to partnersThe From field at the bottom left of the Form 3210 contains the following information: Appeals Office address.