EQSP Defect Summary ReportEQSP Defect Summary Report (Title: EQSP) hyperlinks are at the top right of the screen. (START) From the Left: Export to Excel, Back Report Selection, and Back To List (END). Below the title: EQSP, (center of page) is the title: “EQSP Defect Summary Report”. Below this title is the EQSP Defect Summary Report consisting of two columns (Left and Right). The Left-column of the EQSP Defect Summary Report header consist of the following rows of information: (TOP) Period Covered and Report Date (END).The Right-column of the Site Report header consist of three rows of information, (START) from the left: DCIs (Number), Defect DCIs (Number), and Accuracy (percentage) (END). Next, the EQSP Defect Summary Report shows the title “Submission Processing Top 5 Defects” (Center page) for the Site, and the next row displays the headers of (START) from the left: Form, Section, Location, Opportunity, Defect Type, Defect Description, and Defect Count (END). Next row displays the title: “Top 3 Defects by Site” (Center page); followed the top three defects for each Site. Site headers have the title of: “(Site Name) Submission Processing Center”, e.g., ‘Kansas City Submission Processing Center’. After the site title, the next row displays the headers of (START) from the left: Form, Section, Location, Opportunity, Defect Type, Defect Description, and Defect Count (END).