Form 8804 Transcription Lines, Page 2This exhibit illustrates the location of the transcription lines for Form 8804, Page 2, along with the field element designator. Field 01-A Remittance amount is located in the margin to the right of Line 10, Page 2.Field 03-A installment payments made on Form 8813 or prior year credit carryover amounts are located on line 6a.Field 03-B Form 8805 tiered or 1042-S credit claimed is located on line 6b.Field 03-C yes/no indicator is edited in the farthest right outside margin of line 6b.Field 03-D Form 1042-S or 8288-A credit claimed is located on line 6c.Field 03-E yes/no indicator is edited in the farthest right outside margin of line 6c.Field 03-F total payments is located on line 7.Field 03-G estimated tax penalties is located on line 8.Field 03-H+ balance due is located on line 10.Field 03-H- overpayment is located on line 11.Field 03-J credit elect is located on line 13.Field 03-K reserve code field is edited to the right outside margin of the Date line.Field 01-R preparer PTIN is located at the bottom right corner under the Date line.Field 01-S preparer EIN is located at the bottom right corner under the PTIN line.Field 01-T preparer telephone number is located at the bottom right corner under the preparer EIN line.