Field 01-G Foreign AddressThis figure displays the top part of a 2023 revision Form 8804, which has a foreign address. The fields read as follows: Part I PartnershipLine 1a - Name of Partnership = Amber Rose and White LLCLine 1b - U.S. Employer Identification Number = 00-7654321Line 1c - Number, street, and room or suite no. If P.O. box, see instructions = 1601 Gazelle Nr 1836 Um 1763 Towhee Line 1d - City, state, and Zip code. If a foreign address, see instructions = 8012 Zurich, SwitzerlandError register example of dividing the address in 2 fields01 G1 1601 Gazelle NR 1836 UM + H 1763 Towhee +When the address is more than 35 characters and spaces, divide the address roughly in half and put the first half into Field 01-G and the second half into Field 01-H. If it is necessary to abbreviate, be careful.