Editing Part IThis figure illustrates the editing of the PART I number on a current Form 8288. This figure displays Part I, Part II and Part III of Form 8288. The DLN of the return appears in the upper right corner of the return. It reads as: 00140-062-00024-4The tax period 202312 is edited and to the right of the title of Form 8288.An IRS received date stamp of 01032024 is present.Line 1a name is Pine Ash Advertising. The name control Pine is underlined in red.The TIN in box 1b is 00-1234567The address on Line 1c is 278 Maple Ave.The City, State, and Postal Code on Line 1d, reads Anaheim, CA 92803Line 1e is blank CCCX is edited on the bottom left side of Line 2.The description and location of the property acquired on Line 2, reads as 827 Cypress Ave Reno, NV 89510.The Date of Transfer on Line 3, reads as 12/28/2023.Line 4 is blank.Line 5 Number of Forms attached is 1.Edited to the left of Part I is the number 1Line 6 has an amount of 1,000,000 which is underlined and has 15% edited to the right of the line.Line 7b has an amount of 150,000Line 8 has an amount of 150,000.