Form 3520, Page 2Summary: This is an example of a current year Form 3520 (Page 2) showing the placement of the edited characters which will be transcribed. A {T} identifies the position of the edited character. Under Part I - Transfers by U.S. Persons to a Foreign Trust During the Current Tax YearLine 55a. Name of trust creator: field has {T}b. Address: field has {T}c. TIN, if any: field has {T}Line 66a. Country code of country where trust was created: field has {T}b. Country code of country whose law governs the trust: field has {T}c. Date trust was created: field has {T}Line 77a Will any person (other than the U.S. transferor or the foreign trust) be treated as the owner of the transferred assets after the transfer? checkbox Yes, No.b(i). Name of foreign trust owner: field has {T}b(ii). Address: field has {T}b(iii). Country of residence: field has {T}b(iv). TIN, if any: field has {T}b(v). Relevant code section: field has {T}a more than 1 indicator is edited in the far right margin after Line 7b(v): field has {T}Line 88. Was the transfer a completed gift or bequest? If Yes, see instructions: checkbox Yes, checkbox No. {T}Line 99a. Now or at any time in the future, can any part of the income or corpus of the trust benefit any U.S. beneficiary? checkbox Yes, checkbox No. {T}9b. If No, could the trust be revised or amended to benefit a U.S. beneficiary? checkbox Yes, checkbox No. {T}Line 10Reserved for future useLine 1111a. During the current tax year, did you transfer property (including cash) to a related foreign trust in exchange for an obligation of the trust or an obligation of a person related to the trust? see instructions. checkbox Yes, checkbox No. {T}If Yes, complete the rest of Schedule A, as applicable. If No, go to Schedule B.11b. Were any of the obligations you received (with respect to a transfer described in line 11a above) qualified obligations? checkbox Yes, checkbox No. {T}If Yes, complete the rest of Schedule A and attach a copy of each loan document entered with respect to each qualified obligation reported on line 11(b). If these documents have been attached to a Form 3520 filed within the previous 3 years, attach only relevant updates.If No, go to Schedule B.The next fields to be transcribed are four columns numbered with a lower case Roman numeral. Each column has three lines that are transcribed. If more than three appear, then a Multiple indicator is entered at the end of the last row. The columns are:Column (i) Date of Transfer giving rise to obligation is the title. {T}Column (ii) Maximum term is the title. {T}Column (iii) Yield to Maturity is the title. {T}Column (iv) FMV of obligation is the title. {T}Line 1212. With respect to each qualified obligation you reported on line 11b: Do you agree to extend the period of assessment of any income or transfer tax attributable to the transfer, and any consequential income tax changes for each year that the obligation is outstanding, to a date 3 years after the maturity date of the obligation? checkbox Yes, checkbox No {T}.Under Schedule B - Gratuitous Transfers (see instructions):Line 1313. During the current tax year, did you make any transfers (directly or indirectly) to the trust and receive less than FMV, or no consideration at all, for the property transferred? checkbox Yes, checkbox No. {T}If Yes, complete columns (a) through (i) below and the rest of Schedule B, as applicable. When completing columns (a) through (i) with respect to each nonqualified obligation, enter -0- in column (h).If No, go to Schedule C.The next fields to be transcribed are 9 columns identified with a lower case letter. Each column has three lines but only two are transcribed. If more than two appear, then a multiple indicator is entered at the end of the second row. The columns are:Column (a) Date of Transfer is the title. {T}Column (b) Description of property transferred is the title. {T}Column (c) FMV of property transferred is the title {T}Column (d) U.S. adjusted basis of property transferred is the title. {T}Column (e) Gain recognized at time of transfer, if any is the title. {T}Column (f) Excess, if any, of column (c) over the sum of columns (d) and (e) is the title {T} and the last column row has the letters {T/C} to indicate Total Computed which means the computer will auto calculate. Column (g) Description of property received, if any is the title. {T}Column (h) FMV of property received is the title. {T}Column (i) Excess of column (c) over column (h) is the title) {T} and the last column row has the letters {T/C} to indicate Total Computed which means the computer will auto calculate. Line 1414. If you have a sale of loan document in connection with a transfer reported on line 13, complete 14a through 14c and attach the relevant document(s). If these documents have been attached to a Form 3520 filed within the previous 3 years, attach only relevant updates.Are you attaching a copy of any of the following?a. Sale document? checkbox Yes, checkbox No, checkbox Attached Previously, Year Attached: field has {T}.b. Loan document? checkbox Yes, checkbox No, checkbox Attached Previously, Year Attached: field has {T.}c. Subsequent variances to original sale or loan documents? checkbox Yes, checkbox No, checkbox Attached Previously, Year Attached: field has {T}.