Editing the Foreign Country Code - Example 2 (Canadian Address)Line A and-- Check appropriate boxesThe taxpayer marked checkbox for Initial return and a letter I is edited in red at the end of Line A.Line B -- Check box that applies to person filing return:The taxpayer marked checkbox for Individual and a letter I is edited in red at the end of Line B{under Line C} Check all applicable boxes:The taxpayer marked the 1st checkbox {a number 1 is edited in red before the checkbox} (a) You are a U.S. transferor who, directly or indirectly, transferred money or other property during the current tax year to a foreign trust, (b) You held an outstanding obligation of a related foreign trust (or a person related to the trust) issued during the current tax year, that you reported as a qualified obligation (defined in the instructions) during the current tax year, or (c) You are the executor of the estate of a U.S. decedent and (1) the decedent made a transfer to a foreign trust by reason of death, (2) the decedent was treated as the owner of any portion of a foreign trust immediately prior to death, or (3) the decedent's estate included any portion of the assets of a foreign trust. See the instructions for Part I.Line 1Line 1a, Name of U.S. person(s) with respect to whom this Form 3520 is being filed (see instructions) and field has Holly Seal with the name control Seal underlined in red.Line 1b, Taxpayer identification number (TIN) and field has 000-00-0903 followed by the TIN Type indicator 0 edited in red in the margin.Line 1c, Number, street, and room or suite no. If a P.O. box, see instructions. and field has 27B Lion St.Line 1d, Spouse's TIN is blank.Line 1e, City or town and field has TorontoLine 1f, State or province and field has Ontario but it has been circled in red and the letters ON are edited to the left of the word Ontario.Line 1g, ZIP or postal code and field has M5A3L4Line 1h, Country field has Canada which is circled in red and the country code is edited as /XO/$ in red to the right.Lines 1j and 1k. If line 1j checkbox has been marked, edit a 1 to the right of the checkbox in the margin.For line 1k, if Form 1040 has been entered on the line to the right of the checkbox, edit CCC 5 in the margin to the right of Line A, for TY 2015 to current year.Line 2Line 2a, Name of person(s) filing return (see instructions) and field has Rabbit Family TrustLine 2b, Taxpayer identification number and field has 00-7802241Line 2c, Number, street, and room or suite number. If a P.O. box, see instructions. and field has 890 Badger Way.Line 2d, Date foreign trust was createdLine 2e, City or town and field has VancouverLine 2f, State or province and field has British Columbia but it has been circled in red and the letters BC are edited in red above the words British Columbia.Line 2g, ZIP or postal code and field has V6A7S2Line 2h, Country and field has Canada which is circled, and the country code is edited as /CA/$ in red to the right.