Shown is a completed SF 1081 with entries on all fields. ACCOUNTING PERIOD ENDING - date transaction will be reportedTRANSACTION DATE - date SF 1081 is preparedDOCUMENT NUMBER - document number of the Billing AgencyAGENCY LOCATION CODE (ALC) - ALC of agency to be chargedCUSTOMER AGENCY VOUCHER NO. - voucher number of the Customer Agency (Schedule SF 1081 number)AGENCY LOCATION CODE (ALC) - ALC of agency that will receive the creditBILLING AGENCY VOUCHER NO. - voucher number of the billing agency (if known)DEPARTMENT, BUREAU, ADDRESS - department, bureau and address of the agency to be chargedDEPARTMENT, BUREAU, ADDRESS - department, bureau and address of the agency to receive the creditAPPROPRIATION, FUND OR RECEIPT SYMBOL - of account to be charged AMOUNT - amount(s) to be chargedTOTAL - total of amount(s) to be chargedAPPROPRIATION, FUND OR RECEIPT SYMBOL - of the account to be charged AMOUNT - amount(s) to be creditedTOTAL - total of amounts to be creditedDETAILS OR REASONS FOR THE BILL - or will indicate supporting documents are attachedBILLING AGENCY CONTACT - preparer's name, approving officer and telephone numberCERTIFICATION OF CUSTOMER OFFICE - signed, dated, by certifying officer, include telephone number