The figure shows a picture of Command Code (CC) FRM77 response screen for CC REQ77 to input a TC 971 Action Code (AC) 001. The TC 971 AC 001 identifies in IDRS the return was originally posted to the incorrect module and is being corrected.TC> Field - Enter 971 to add an informational action to an IDRS account.TRANS-DT> Field - Enter the RET-RECD-DT field from CC TXMOD.TC971/151> Field - This is the 971 Action Code field. Enter 001.XRED-TIN> Field - This is the cross reference TIN field. Enter the TIN of the account to which the tax return is being reprocessed. If the TIN is the same and only the tax period is different for the reprocess module input “R”.XRED-TX-PRD> - This is the cross reference tax period field. Enter the tax period of the account to which the tax return is being reprocessed. Example 202310.Blank Field 14 rows down the page - Enter remarks “REPROCESS RETURN”.