The figure gives the TEs a detailed list of what may need to be adjusted whenever the return need to be reprocessed. The list of items are:Input TC 291 for the amount of the TC 150 to zero out the tax.Input TC 171 to zero out any manually assessed TC 170 or computer generated TC 176 on income tax returns. The computer will not remove the TC 176 because it is based on the TC 150. The computer does not recognize the TC 29X that is input to zero the account.Input a TC 161 to zero out any manually assessed TC 160, TC 271 to zero out TC 270, and TC 341 to zero out TC 340. Input Hold Code 4 (or Hold Code 1 where appropriate), Blocking Series 15/17. Input TC 003 to zero out the Adjusted Total of Income Tax Withheld. Input TC 004 to zero out the Taxable Social Security Wages. Input TC 005 to zero out the Taxable Social Security Tips. Input TC 007 to zero out the Adjusted Total of Social Security/Medicare Taxes. Input TC 073 to zero out the Taxable Medicare Wages and Tips. Input TC 184 to zero out the Adjustment of Withheld Income Tax. Input TC 185 to zero out the Adjustment of Withheld Social Security/Medicare Taxes. Input Remarks, for example, “Reprocess from 20XX03 to 20XX06.”