Figure 9 is a representation of a AMS TRNS37 Screen. At the top of the screen one is the following narrative: Click the Close button at the bottom of the Case Info Screen to access the Close Case screen.Below the screen reads Case Info is Figure 9 which contains the following fields in the upper left side of the second screen from the top to bottom as follows:TIN and a representation of the taxpayer's TIN with an asteriskMFT and a representation of the taxpayer's MFTASEDRSEDIRS Recd Date and a representation of the taxpayer's received dateDollar Amount and a representation of the taxpayer's dollar amountCurrent Owner and a representation of the tax examiner assigned the caseOFP and a representation of an OFPPaper Attachments and a square box that has been left blank.Displayed on the upper right side of the first screen is the following information displaying from top to bottom: TP Name and a representation of the taxpayer's name Tax Period and a representation of the taxpayer's tax periodDLN and a representation of the DLN for this transaction code.Transcript Type and a representation of the cases DLNFreeze CodeMaster File Status and the literal N/A . This representations the Master File status is not applicable for this case.Manager and a representation of the employee's manager nameCase ID and a representation case's Identification Number.Taxpayer Advocate Service Case and a square box that has been left blank.In the middle portion of the screen are two buttons, one button is Case Log and the other button is Case Notes .Directly below these two buttons are two representations of notes for this specific case. The notes contain information to show historically what has occurred on this case. Cases by Tin and Inventory are listed for this specific case.Below this are six buttons used for specific actions allowed on this case and they read as follows:Summary PrintRequest Tech AssistSuspendRerouteClose. In this example, the Close Button is selected.Exit CaseThe second screen is a representation of how to Select a Closing Action. The following displayed *Select Closing Action and Transcript inventory Quick Narratives There are nine fields that can be utilized to close these cases. Five buttons display on the left side from top to bottom. Freeze Release InputFreeze Release VerifiedIncrease Tax Due to Additional W-2 FiledLetter SentManual Refund IssuedMiscNo Parent Corporation for Form 1120Pending Transaction Which Will Release Freeze(s)Previous ActionQuick Note SendReassigned Case to Refund InquiryReassigned to Erroneous Refund FunctionIn this example the Miscellaneous button was input and notes are entered to describe the closing of this particular case. The Miscellaneous notes included are as follows: TC 013 to correct account.The three fields at the very bottom of the screen can be utilized by the employee when necessary and they display from left to right as follows: Close CaseMonitor CaseCancel